Friday, May 8, 2009

Reading at the speed of light

I watched the shifted librarian video. I enjoyed it, but had difficulty reading fast enough. I have also seen Stephen Abram speak in person on Library 2.0 just last month. He was very thought provoking and I enjoyed his sense of humor. The exponential growth of knowledge is hard to keep up with and there is so much to filter, but even so I can see where it can lead to great things. I like the idea of collaborative knowledge and, having been a former ILL librarian, I wouldn't mind seeing copyright laws fall by the wayside. That would save a lot of people a lot of work. Of course I might feel differently if I put my blood, sweat, and tears into publishing something and found someone else claiming it as his own.


  1. I love that quote, Roberta. "A point in every direction is as good as no point at all."
    Here we are in a profession where we are to help patrons' focus their searches and I feel I must scramble to keep up with all the technologies that might help them. I am hoping 23 Things will help me focus!

  2. An excellent quote for the situation we're in now. Plus, I have the song ME AND MY ARROW going thru my head now. Thanks!!!
