Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Blog Readers - Thing 6

This assignment was a real eye-opener. I was wondering how other people seemed to be able to keep up with new information from blogs. I am a supervisor of several people who are doing the North Texas 23 so I added them to the subscription list so I can keep track of their progress. I am not intending to use this in a bad way. It's mainly because they are such better writers than I am and it's fun to see what they write. Check out Sallie's Perpetual Beta Test and Kickin and Screaming... Both of them also post regularly to the library's Feast on Books blog My apologies for sounding like a proud mother hen. I can't take any credit for their work.

I just realized that I could do prettier links to the sites above, but won't because I am trying to get this done before I leave work today.

If you haven't discovered it yet, click on the "BROWSE FOR STUFF" button in Google Reader. It has a list of 449 "bundles" for links to blogs on popular subjects. I added the bundle for COMICS to my list, but promptly took it off once I looked at them. The only link to a popular/mainstream comic was DILBERT. All the others were ones I wasn't familiar with. BUT I was much happier when I found the bundle under "LIBRARY." It contained severals blogs I told myself months ago that I need to start looking at regularly and promptly didn't do it.

Also of interest is a bundle labeled "STEAMPUNK." I'm not interested for me, but for my daughter. She just told be about this type of music a few weeks ago and she has been showing me some of the videos (think Mad Max meets The Thompson Twins meets Jethro Tull). So I will surely tell her about that.

All in all blog readers are a "good thing." (Forgive me Martha Stewart for stealing your phrase).

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